Jupiter UTC
CM1: 346.90°
CM2: 89.30°
CM3: 283.60°
CLat: -3.60°
Poor seeing once again for this session and the occasional cloud made consistent imaging difficult. There's a notable long barge just north of the NTB. The NEB appears wavy as it recedes in width. The EZ has a hint of orange. Oval BA appears light orange at the moment. The STB ghost is closely trailing it but isn't visible in this image due to the conditions.
Tele Vue 2.5x Powermate
Celestron EdgeHD 14
Name | Longitude 1 | Longitude 2 | Longitude 3 | Latitude | Measurer |
BA F. end | 342.1° | 84.5° | 278.8° | -32.9° | EGC |
BA P. end | 334.7° | 77.1° | 271.4° | -32.7° | EGC |
Oval BA | 338.6° | 81° | 275.3° | -32.9° | EGC |
D. Streak F. end | 338.2° | 80.7° | 275° | 32.1° | EGC |
D. Streak P. end | 322.1° | 64.6° | 258.9° | 31.6° | EGC |
Dark Streak | 330.1° | 72.5° | 266.9° | 31.9° | EGC |