Jupiter UTC

CM1: 120.20°

CM2: 12.00°

CM3: 226.20°

CLat: -3.90°


Seeing was better, relatively speaking, than what I've seen over the past few months despite Jupiter being only 29° in altitude. However, I am still waiting for anything decent almost six months after receiving the C14 Edge HD. Unfortunately, thin clouds that slowly grew opaque prevented any more imaging when Jupiter was at a higher altitude and seeing was improving.

Some notes about surface details, from north to south:

  • The NTB has thinned to little more than a thin orange belt since its dramatic return early last apparition.
  • White Spot Z is near the central meridian on the northern edge of the NEB.
  • The NEB continues to retreat to its normal height.
  • The EZ still has an orange tint.
  • The southern edge of the SEB is noticeably darker than the rest of the belt.
  • Oval BA is rising with the darkened Ghost trailing it.



Tele Vue 2.5x Powermate

Celestron EdgeHD 14