Jupiter UTC
CM1: 29.40°
CM2: 329.10°
CM3: 194.20°
CLat: -3.80°
Seeing deteriorated slightly compared to the previous image, but remained very good.
- The NTB is fading.
- White Oval Z is rising.
- The NEBn is receding.
- The NEB has a couple rifts and outbreaks.
- The EZ is tinted orange.
- The Great Red Spot has an intense brick red coloration. A few features, including its dark core, are visible.
- The wake of the GRS is small.
- Material from the SEBs is being pulled around the GRS and into the STZ, where it forms a thin belt circling the planet.
- Oval BA is rising.
- The South Polar Red Spot is setting.
Astro-Physics Advanced Convertible Barlow
Celestron EdgeHD 14