Jupiter UTC
CM1: 255.40°
CM2: 338.70°
CM3: 324.30°
CLat: -3.00°
I continued to record Jupiter, oblivious of the flash that occurred while capturing the previous RGB set.
- White Oval Z is setting.
- The EZ is still orange.
- The SEBn is very pale.
- The GRS appears a bit egg-shaped. I'm not sure if the fringes on the east and west are part of the storm or part of the surrounding area.
Astro-Physics Advanced Convertible Barlow
Celestron EdgeHD 8
FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=B Profile=Jupiter Diameter=41.91" Magnitude=-2.38 CMI=257.5° CMII=340.8° CMIII=326.4° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=3750mm (F/13) Resolution=0.16" Filename=2019-08-07-0423_1-EC-B-Jup.ser Date=2019_08_07 Start=04_22_11.105 Mid=04_23_11.112 End=04_24_11.119 Start(UT)=04_22_11.105 Mid(UT)=04_23_11.112 End(UT)=04_24_11.119 Duration=120.014s Date_format=yyyy_MM_dd Time_format=HH_mm_ss LT=UT -6h Frames captured=7057 File type=SER Binning=no Bit depth=8bit Debayer=no ROI=416x364 ROI(Offset)=8x8 FPS (avg.)=58 Shutter=17.00ms Gain=300 (50%) Gamma=50 AutoExposure=off Brightness=1 (off) SoftwareGain=10 (off) AutoHisto=75 (off) AutoGain=off FPS=100 (off) HighSpeed=off USBTraffic=40 (off) Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=140 Histogramm=54% Noise(avg.deviation)=0.98 AutoAlign=false PreFilter=none Limit=120 Seconds Sensor temperature=35.3°C FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=G Profile=Jupiter Diameter=41.91" Magnitude=-2.38 CMI=255.8° CMII=339.1° CMIII=324.7° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=3750mm (F/13) Resolution=0.16" Filename=2019-08-07-0420_3-EC-G-Jup.ser Date=2019_08_07 Start=04_19_18.802 Mid=04_20_19.952 End=04_21_21.102 Start(UT)=04_19_18.802 Mid(UT)=04_20_19.952 End(UT)=04_21_21.102 Duration=122.300s Date_format=yyyy_MM_dd Time_format=HH_mm_ss LT=UT -6h Frames captured=8151 File type=SER Binning=no Bit depth=8bit Debayer=no ROI=416x364 ROI(Offset)=8x8 FPS (avg.)=66 Shutter=15.00ms Gain=280 (46%) Gamma=50 (off) AutoExposure=off Brightness=1 (off) SoftwareGain=10 (off) AutoHisto=75 (off) AutoGain=off FPS=100 (off) HighSpeed=off USBTraffic=40 (off) Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=143 Histogramm=56% Noise(avg.deviation)=0.85 AutoAlign=false PreFilter=none Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=35.6°C FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=R Profile=Jupiter Diameter=41.91" Magnitude=-2.38 CMI=253.9° CMII=337.2° CMIII=322.8° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=3750mm (F/13) Resolution=0.16" Filename=2019-08-07-0417_1-EC-R-Jup.ser Date=2019_08_07 Start=04_16_09.240 Mid=04_17_09.247 End=04_18_09.254 Start(UT)=04_16_09.240 Mid(UT)=04_17_09.247 End(UT)=04_18_09.254 Duration=120.014s Date_format=yyyy_MM_dd Time_format=HH_mm_ss LT=UT -6h Frames captured=9995 File type=SER Binning=no Bit depth=8bit Debayer=no ROI=416x364 ROI(Offset)=8x8 FPS (avg.)=83 Shutter=12.00ms Gain=290 (48%) Gamma=50 (off) AutoExposure=off Brightness=1 (off) SoftwareGain=10 (off) AutoHisto=75 (off) AutoGain=off FPS=100 (off) HighSpeed=off USBTraffic=40 (off) Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=141 Histogramm=55% Noise(avg.deviation)=0.95 AutoAlign=false PreFilter=none Limit=120 Seconds Sensor temperature=35.5°C
Name | Longitude 1 | Longitude 2 | Longitude 3 | Latitude | Measurer |
GRS F. End | 237.1° | 320.4° | 306° | -23.5° | EGC |
GRS P. End | 224.2° | 307.5° | 293.1° | -23° | EGC |
GRS N. Edge | 230.9° | 314.2° | 299.8° | -17.5° | EGC |
GRS S. Edge | 230.4° | 313.7° | 299.2° | -27.1° | EGC |
GRS Center | 230.7° | 314° | 299.6° | -22.2° | EGC |