Jupiter UTC
CM1: 248.90°
CM2: 127.20°
CM3: 245.50°
CLat: -1.00°
In preparation of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in less than a week, I decided to try imaging Jupiter during the day much like I did in January. Io, Ganymede, and Europa are also visible from left to right.
Celestron EdgeHD 8
FireCapture v2.7 02 BETA Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo Scope=Celestron C8 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI174MM Filter=IR850 Profile=Jupiter Diameter=33.40" Magnitude=-1.98 CMI=248.9° CMII=127.3° CMIII=245.5° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=1250mm (F/3) Resolution=0.95" Filename=j2020-12-17_21-01-04_ir850_ec.ser Date=2020_12_17 Start=21_00_04.179 Mid=21_01_04.183 End=21_02_04.187 Start(UT)=21_00_04.179 Mid(UT)=21_01_04.183 End(UT)=21_02_04.187 Duration=120.008s Date_format=yyyy_MM_dd Time_format=HH_mm_ss LT=UT Frames captured=7979 File type=SER Binning=1x1 ROI=972x356 ROI(Offset)=0x0 FPS (avg.)=66 Shutter=15.00ms Gain=250 (62%) AutoExposure=off AutoGain=off AutoHisto=75 (off) Brightness=1 FPS=100 (off) Gamma=50 (off) HighSpeed=on SoftwareGain=10 (off) USBTraffic=80 Histogramm(min)=71 Histogramm(max)=124 Histogramm=48% Noise(avg.deviation)=4.08 Limit=120 Seconds Sensor temperature=92.3°F