Mars UTC
CM1: 260.80°
CLat: -12.50°
Seeing was not bad, but not as good as July 14th, and transparency was extremely variable due to clouds coming through. While processing the Mars images from this night, our hard drive started slowing down and eventually started giving I/O errors, usually a sign that a drive has failed. Fortunately, restarting my computer fixed all the problems but I decided to back up the remaining 1 terabyte of unprocessed data to another drive to be safe.
- Syrtis Major is rising.
- Dust clouds appear to be escaping from Hellas Basin.
- The south polar cap is mostly obscured by dust.
Astro-Physics Advanced Convertible Barlow
Celestron EdgeHD 14
FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo, TX, USA Scope=Celstron C14 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=B Profile=Mars Diameter=23.34" Magnitude=-2.59 CM=263.9° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=8750mm (F/24) Resolution=0.07" Filename=2018-07-16-0637_6-EC-B-Mars.ser Date=160718 Start=063625.969 Mid=063740.973 End=063855.978 Start(UT)=063625.969 Mid(UT)=063740.973 End(UT)=063855.978 Duration=150.009s Date_format=ddMMyy Time_format=HHmmss LT=UT -6h Frames captured=7313 File type=SER Binning=no Bit depth=8bit Debayer=no ROI=428x414 ROI(Offset)=0x0 FPS (avg.)=48 Shutter=20.51ms Gain=337 (56%) Gamma=50 Brightness=1 (off) AutoExposure=off FPS=100 (off) HighSpeed=off AutoGain=off USBTraffic=40 (off) SoftwareGain=10 (off) AutoHisto=75 (off) Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=103 Histogramm=40% Noise(avg.deviation)=0.93 Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=33.1°C Focuser position=1934 FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo, TX, USA Scope=Celstron C14 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=G Profile=Mars Diameter=23.34" Magnitude=-2.59 CM=263.0° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=8700mm (F/24) Resolution=0.07" Filename=2018-07-16-0634_0-EC-G-Mars.ser Date=160718 Start=063247.738 Mid=063402.742 End=063517.746 Start(UT)=063247.738 Mid(UT)=063402.742 End(UT)=063517.746 Duration=150.008s Date_format=ddMMyy Time_format=HHmmss LT=UT -6h Frames captured=8510 File type=SER Binning=no Bit depth=8bit Debayer=no ROI=428x414 ROI(Offset)=0x0 FPS (avg.)=56 Shutter=17.62ms Gain=267 (44%) Gamma=50 (off) Brightness=1 (off) AutoExposure=off FPS=100 (off) HighSpeed=off AutoGain=off USBTraffic=40 (off) SoftwareGain=10 (off) AutoHisto=75 (off) Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=164 Histogramm=64% Noise(avg.deviation)=0.74 Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=33.6°C Focuser position=1979 FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo, TX, USA Scope=Celstron C14 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=R Profile=Mars Diameter=23.34" Magnitude=-2.59 CM=262.1° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=8500mm (F/23) Resolution=0.07" Filename=2018-07-16-0630_2-EC-R-Mars.ser Date=160718 Start=062902.946 Mid=063017.947 End=063132.949 Start(UT)=062902.946 Mid(UT)=063017.947 End(UT)=063132.949 Duration=150.003s Date_format=ddMMyy Time_format=HHmmss LT=UT -6h Frames captured=10202 File type=SER Binning=no Bit depth=8bit Debayer=no ROI=428x414 ROI(Offset)=0x0 FPS (avg.)=68 Shutter=11.12ms Gain=311 (51%) Gamma=50 (off) Brightness=1 (off) AutoExposure=off FPS=100 (off) HighSpeed=off AutoGain=off USBTraffic=40 (off) SoftwareGain=10 (off) AutoHisto=75 (off) Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=115 Histogramm=45% Noise(avg.deviation)=0.37 Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=33.6°C Focuser position=2024 FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo, TX, USA Scope=Celstron C14 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=B Profile=Mars Diameter=23.34" Magnitude=-2.59 CM=260.3° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=8700mm (F/24) Resolution=0.07" Filename=2018-07-16-0623_1-EC-B-Mars.ser Date=160718 Start=062154.701 Mid=062309.706 End=062424.712 Start(UT)=062154.701 Mid(UT)=062309.706 End(UT)=062424.712 Duration=150.011s Date_format=ddMMyy Time_format=HHmmss LT=UT -6h Frames captured=7312 File type=SER Binning=no Bit depth=8bit Debayer=no ROI=428x414 ROI(Offset)=0x0 FPS (avg.)=48 Shutter=20.51ms Gain=390 (65%) HighSpeed=off Brightness=1 (off) AutoGain=off SoftwareGain=10 (off) AutoHisto=75 (off) AutoExposure=off Gamma=50 USBTraffic=40 (off) FPS=100 (off) Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=165 Histogramm=64% Noise(avg.deviation)=1.78 Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=31.6°C FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo, TX, USA Scope=Celstron C14 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=G Profile=Mars Diameter=23.34" Magnitude=-2.59 CM=259.3° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=8800mm (F/24) Resolution=0.07" Filename=2018-07-16-0618_9-EC-G-Mars.ser Date=160718 Start=061739.323 Mid=061854.343 End=062009.364 Start(UT)=061739.323 Mid(UT)=061854.343 End(UT)=062009.364 Duration=150.041s Date_format=ddMMyy Time_format=HHmmss LT=UT -6h Frames captured=2950 File type=SER Binning=no Bit depth=8bit Debayer=no ROI=428x414 ROI(Offset)=0x0 FPS (avg.)=19 Shutter=50.86ms Gain=258 (43%) USBTraffic=40 (off) Gamma=50 (off) SoftwareGain=10 (off) AutoGain=off Brightness=1 (off) AutoHisto=75 (off) HighSpeed=off FPS=100 (off) AutoExposure=off Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=125 Histogramm=49% Noise(avg.deviation)=0.60 Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=31.3°C FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo, TX, USA Scope=Celstron C14 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=R Profile=Mars Diameter=23.33" Magnitude=-2.59 CM=258.0° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=8450mm (F/23) Resolution=0.07" Filename=2018-07-16-0613_5-EC-R-Mars.ser Date=160718 Start=061215.376 Mid=061330.384 End=061445.392 Start(UT)=061215.376 Mid(UT)=061330.384 End(UT)=061445.392 Duration=150.016s Date_format=ddMMyy Time_format=HHmmss LT=UT -6h Frames captured=13474 File type=SER Binning=no Bit depth=8bit Debayer=no ROI=428x414 ROI(Offset)=0x0 FPS (avg.)=89 Shutter=11.12ms Gain=223 (37%) Gamma=50 (off) Brightness=1 (off) AutoHisto=75 (off) SoftwareGain=10 (off) USBTraffic=40 (off) AutoGain=off HighSpeed=off AutoExposure=off FPS=100 (off) Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=132 Histogramm=51% Noise(avg.deviation)=0.49 Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=34.7°C Focuser position=0