Saturn 2017

Decent seeing for our first session with Saturn of 2017. I corrupted a blue AVI by accidentally changing filters mid-capture. The Encke Gap is visible on the outer edge of the rings. The north polar hexagon is also visible, but its shape is difficult to distinguish.

Not the greatest seeing, but far from the worst! The Encke Gap near the outer edge of the ring is barely visible.

Good seeing for this image. The Equatorial Zone is very bright. There is a smudge near the center of the disk.

Seeing was also good for this image. The smudge in the northern hemisphere is on the central meridian.

Seeing and transparency deteriorated slightly while acquiring this image. The smudge near the center of the disk has passed the central meridian.

Great seeing for this image. This image of Saturn is perhaps my best yet! The polar hexagon seems to have a dark core. The smudge in the northern hemisphere is most visible in this image.

Seeing deteriorated again after it improved for the previous image. The finer details seen earlier are now much harder to see as a result.

Last Saturn of the apparition, and first use of the C8 since March. Not much to note on the surface.