Jupiter UTC
CM1: 233.90°
CM2: 343.50°
CM3: 177.60°
CLat: -3.60°
Poor seeing for this session, although conditions improved near the end. I had to remove the barlow to get anything acceptable. The North Temperate Belt and North Equatorial Belt looks skinnier compared to last year. The Equatorial Zone looks tinged with a hint of orange. A South Tropical Disturbance is present to the west of the GRS.
Tele Vue 2.5x Powermate
Celestron EdgeHD 14
Name | Longitude 1 | Longitude 2 | Longitude 3 | Latitude | Measurer |
GRS F. End | 180.3° | 290° | 124.1° | -22.5° | EGC |
GRS P. End | 164.8° | 274.5° | 108.6° | -22° | EGC |
Great Red Spot | 173° | 282.7° | 116.8° | -22.2° | EGC |
SEB Disturbance | 202.3° | 311.9° | 146° | -22.5° | EGC |
Brown Barge | 262.4° | 12.1° | 206.2° | 17.9° | EGC |
Brown Barge | 202° | 311.6° | 145.7° | 17.5° | EGC |
Brown Barge | 186.7° | 296.4° | 130.4° | 18° | EGC |
GRS S. Edge | 172.8° | 282.4° | 116.5° | -26° | EGC |
GRS N. Edge | 172.3° | 282° | 116.1° | -17.2° | EGC |