Mars UTC
CM1: 249.00°
CLat: -12.20°
Seeing continued to be decent. Saharan dust limited transparency, but not as much as the previous night.
- There's a faint cloud above the dust storm in much of the southern hemisphere east of the central meridian.
- Mare Tyrrhenum is hidden under a completely opaque part of the dust storm.
- Mare Cimmerium is relatively visible compared to other dark features.
- The brightness of the south polar cap is muted by the dust storm. The cap also appears to have a hole.
- Hellas Basin is under a bright cloud of dust.
Astro-Physics Advanced Convertible Barlow
Celestron EdgeHD 14
FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo, TX, USA Scope=Celstron C14 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=B Profile=Mars Diameter=23.58" Magnitude=-2.64 CM=267.3° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=8750mm (F/24) Resolution=0.07" Filename=2018-07-18-0804_5-EC-B-Mars.ser Date=180718 Start=080316.370 Mid=080431.376 End=080546.382 Start(UT)=080316.370 Mid(UT)=080431.376 End(UT)=080546.382 Duration=150.012s Date_format=ddMMyy Time_format=HHmmss LT=UT -6h Frames captured=11938 File type=SER Binning=no Bit depth=8bit Debayer=no ROI=428x414 ROI(Offset)=0x0 FPS (avg.)=79 Shutter=12.56ms Gain=280 (46%) AutoHisto=75 (off) FPS=100 (off) Gamma=50 Brightness=1 (off) AutoExposure=off AutoGain=off HighSpeed=off USBTraffic=40 (off) SoftwareGain=10 (off) Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=126 Histogramm=49% Noise(avg.deviation)=0.84 Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=33.1°C Focuser position=1506 FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo, TX, USA Scope=Celstron C14 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=G Profile=Mars Diameter=23.58" Magnitude=-2.64 CM=266.1° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=8450mm (F/23) Resolution=0.07" Filename=2018-07-18-0759_9-EC-G-Mars.ser Date=180718 Start=075839.561 Mid=075954.561 End=080109.561 Start(UT)=075839.561 Mid(UT)=075954.561 End(UT)=080109.561 Duration=150.000s Date_format=ddMMyy Time_format=HHmmss LT=UT -6h Frames captured=13486 File type=SER Binning=no Bit depth=8bit Debayer=no ROI=428x414 ROI(Offset)=0x0 FPS (avg.)=89 Shutter=11.12ms Gain=219 (36%) AutoHisto=75 (off) FPS=100 (off) Gamma=50 (off) Brightness=1 (off) AutoExposure=off AutoGain=off HighSpeed=off USBTraffic=40 (off) SoftwareGain=10 (off) Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=99 Histogramm=38% Noise(avg.deviation)=0.53 Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=33.3°C Focuser position=1506 FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo, TX, USA Scope=Celstron C14 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=R Profile=Mars Diameter=23.58" Magnitude=-2.64 CM=263.7° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=8450mm (F/23) Resolution=0.07" Filename=2018-07-18-0750_0-EC-R-Mars.ser Date=180718 Start=074845.514 Mid=075000.521 End=075115.528 Start(UT)=074845.514 Mid(UT)=075000.521 End(UT)=075115.528 Duration=150.014s Date_format=ddMMyy Time_format=HHmmss LT=UT -6h Frames captured=14990 File type=SER Binning=no Bit depth=8bit Debayer=no ROI=428x414 ROI(Offset)=0x0 FPS (avg.)=99 Shutter=10.00ms Gain=175 (29%) AutoHisto=75 (off) FPS=100 (off) Gamma=50 (off) Brightness=1 (off) AutoExposure=off AutoGain=off HighSpeed=off USBTraffic=40 (off) SoftwareGain=10 (off) Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=115 Histogramm=45% Noise(avg.deviation)=0.45 Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=33.3°C Focuser position=3436 FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo, TX, USA Scope=Celstron C14 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=B Profile=Mars Diameter=23.58" Magnitude=-2.64 CM=262.9° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=8800mm (F/24) Resolution=0.07" Filename=2018-07-18-0746_5-EC-B-Mars.ser Date=180718 Start=074516.757 Mid=074631.761 End=074746.766 Start(UT)=074516.757 Mid(UT)=074631.761 End(UT)=074746.766 Duration=150.009s Date_format=ddMMyy Time_format=HHmmss LT=UT -6h Frames captured=11938 File type=SER Binning=no Bit depth=8bit Debayer=no ROI=428x414 ROI(Offset)=0x0 FPS (avg.)=79 Shutter=12.56ms Gain=280 (46%) AutoHisto=75 (off) FPS=100 (off) Gamma=50 Brightness=1 (off) AutoExposure=off AutoGain=off HighSpeed=off USBTraffic=40 (off) SoftwareGain=10 (off) Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=129 Histogramm=50% Noise(avg.deviation)=0.88 Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=33.1°C Focuser position=3416 FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo, TX, USA Scope=Celstron C14 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=G Profile=Mars Diameter=23.57" Magnitude=-2.64 CM=261.6° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=8600mm (F/24) Resolution=0.07" Filename=2018-07-18-0741_3-EC-G-Mars.ser Date=180718 Start=074003.461 Mid=074118.468 End=074233.476 Start(UT)=074003.461 Mid(UT)=074118.468 End(UT)=074233.476 Duration=150.015s Date_format=ddMMyy Time_format=HHmmss LT=UT -6h Frames captured=13488 File type=SER Binning=no Bit depth=8bit Debayer=no ROI=428x414 ROI(Offset)=0x0 FPS (avg.)=89 Shutter=11.12ms Gain=219 (36%) AutoHisto=75 (off) FPS=100 (off) Gamma=50 (off) Brightness=1 (off) AutoExposure=off AutoGain=off HighSpeed=off USBTraffic=40 (off) SoftwareGain=10 (off) Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=104 Histogramm=40% Noise(avg.deviation)=0.55 Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=33.5°C Focuser position=3376 FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo, TX, USA Scope=Celstron C14 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=R Profile=Mars Diameter=23.57" Magnitude=-2.64 CM=260.6° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=8550mm (F/24) Resolution=0.07" Filename=2018-07-18-0737_2-EC-R-Mars.ser Date=180718 Start=073557.170 Mid=073712.172 End=073827.175 Start(UT)=073557.170 Mid(UT)=073712.172 End(UT)=073827.175 Duration=150.005s Date_format=ddMMyy Time_format=HHmmss LT=UT -6h Frames captured=14991 File type=SER Binning=no Bit depth=8bit Debayer=no ROI=428x414 ROI(Offset)=0x0 FPS (avg.)=99 Shutter=10.00ms Gain=175 (29%) AutoHisto=75 (off) FPS=100 (off) Gamma=50 (off) Brightness=1 (off) AutoExposure=off AutoGain=off HighSpeed=off USBTraffic=40 (off) SoftwareGain=10 (off) Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=129 Histogramm=50% Noise(avg.deviation)=0.46 Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=32.8°C Focuser position=3396