Saturn UTC
CM1: 73.20°
CM2: 356.90°
CM3: 202.60°
CLat: +20.50°
Excellent seeing conditions. This is a second attempt with my EdgeHD 11 and new Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro after a near-failure yesterday because of clouds. My primary use for this mount will be for deep sky imaging, but I can also use it for planetary imaging with the EdgeHD 11 in times I would've used the EdgeHD 8 and Advanced VX.
- The perimeter of the North Polar Hexagon is bright in near-infrared, making it stand out more than in visible light.
Astro-Physics Advanced Convertible Barlow
Celestron EdgeHD 11
Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro
FireCapture v2.7 04 BETA Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo Scope=Celestron C8 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=IR685 Profile=Saturn Diameter=17.82" Magnitude=0.44 CMI=74.6° CMIII=204.0° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=4550mm (F/22) Resolution=0.13" Filename=s2021-06-13_10-05-29_ir685_ec.ser Date=2021_06_13 Start=10_04_14.469 Mid=10_05_29.471 End=10_06_44.473 Start(UT)=10_04_14.469 Mid(UT)=10_05_29.471 End(UT)=10_06_44.473 Duration=150.004s Date_format=yyyy_MM_dd Time_format=HH_mm_ss LT=UT Frames captured=14986 File type=SER Binning=1x1 ROI=300x430 ROI(Offset)=1256x328 FPS (avg.)=99 Shutter=10.00ms Gain=440 (73%) AutoExposure=off AutoGain=off Brightness=1 HighSpeed=on USBTraffic=50 Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=203 Histogramm=79% Noise(avg.deviation)=1.94 Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=95.4°F FireCapture v2.7 04 BETA Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo Scope=Celestron C8 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=IR685 Profile=Saturn Diameter=17.82" Magnitude=0.44 CMI=73.1° CMIII=202.6° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=4550mm (F/22) Resolution=0.13" Filename=s2021-06-13_10-02-57_ir685_ec.ser Date=2021_06_13 Start=10_01_42.219 Mid=10_02_57.221 End=10_04_12.223 Start(UT)=10_01_42.219 Mid(UT)=10_02_57.221 End(UT)=10_04_12.223 Duration=150.004s Date_format=yyyy_MM_dd Time_format=HH_mm_ss LT=UT Frames captured=14986 File type=SER Binning=1x1 ROI=300x430 ROI(Offset)=1256x328 FPS (avg.)=99 Shutter=10.00ms Gain=440 (73%) AutoExposure=off AutoGain=off Brightness=1 HighSpeed=on USBTraffic=50 Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=214 Histogramm=83% Noise(avg.deviation)=1.95 Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=95.4°F FireCapture v2.7 04 BETA Settings ------------------------------------ Observer=Ethan Chappel Location=Cibolo Scope=Celestron C8 EdgeHD Camera=ZWO ASI290MM Filter=IR685 Profile=Saturn Diameter=17.82" Magnitude=0.44 CMI=71.6° CMIII=201.0° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=4550mm (F/22) Resolution=0.13" Filename=s2021-06-13_10-00-15_ir685_ec.ser Date=2021_06_13 Start=09_59_00.782 Mid=10_00_15.784 End=10_01_30.786 Start(UT)=09_59_00.782 Mid(UT)=10_00_15.784 End(UT)=10_01_30.786 Duration=150.004s Date_format=yyyy_MM_dd Time_format=HH_mm_ss LT=UT Frames captured=14986 File type=SER Binning=1x1 ROI=300x430 ROI(Offset)=1256x328 FPS (avg.)=99 Shutter=10.00ms Gain=440 (73%) AutoExposure=off AutoGain=off Brightness=1 HighSpeed=on USBTraffic=50 Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=225 Histogramm=88% Noise(avg.deviation)=1.95 Limit=150 Seconds Sensor temperature=95.0°F
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